Safe in the shed.
Caring for historic farm machinery.
This is a publication by the New South Wales Heritage office quite a beautiful publication put out in 2001. Page 16. Quoted. My comments are underlines. Done with speech recognition so its not perfect!
Tips for preservation.
Historic farm machinery can usually survive for long periods where it belongs, as it as long as there is basic security, protection from pests and shelter from the elements. Generally, we don’t leave machinery outside and exposed. The following tips will hopefully store and preserve historic farm machine, in particular if it is no longer used for stall in music.
Paintwork, leather, felt, would, paper.
Throw away the paintbrush and avoid pouring fluids on the machine! Painting ruins old finishes in sign writing and can diminish the research potential of the machine, Losing evidence of how was used and made. It might cover details where the machinery was manufactured or scars from its use. Seek advice on other reversible products that can prevent rust.
Store machinery away from direct sunlight to protect the original paintwork and material stop keep gutters clean and ensure that Gerald drainage keeps the storage shelter dry
keep vegetable matter or reminiscence grain that might attract pests or keep a sample of the remnants in a single back with the catalogue documentation. If you don’t know what the machinery was used for, this will provide some clues. In
wheels tires and axles.
Put wheeled vehicles and farm implements on axles, so that the wheel is clear of the ground or floor. This reduces the potential for rust or insect damage from the floor ground contact metal stands are better than what and should have enough base area to be stable when the item is raised.
The stands will wait rubber tyres which could cause cracking or flat spots let down pneumatic tires, so they will last longer.
Internal combustion engines and mechanical into.
Where you can, drain old oils and fuels. I disagree with this is a blank statement. It needs some riders.
Use appropriate lubricants for functional machining that are run from time to time. Obviously I believe that all objects should have inhibited lubricants in the and all objects should be if possible turned from time to time even if they’re not run.
Using inhibited lubricants to protect the chemical into terminals from corrosion when they are in storage companies can advise on suitable products. Penrite in Oz.
Make sure any areas that hold water are drained, including radiators and cooling tanks. Drain and open spaces which are designed to be open to allow allow thorough drying. I’d like to see more use of wet storage with inhibitors if possible.
Often pockets of trapped water can be drained using a piece of cloth that acts as a week. This is a good idea if you have to.
The publication then goes on about security and safety.